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Billy Goat Garden Vacuums

Garden Vacuums Doncaster

Ideal for residential or commercial property maintenance, Billy Goat's lawn and litter vacuum range makes light work of leaf and litter collection.

Self-Propelled Honda or Briggs & Stratton engined Vacuums - With features such as a 5(or 6)-Blade serrated impeller, on-board chipper and height adjustment for hard surface or turfed areas, the Billt Goat range reduces leafs and litter ready for mulching.

Industrial Duty Vacuums - Ideal for larger properties and commercial lots, the Billy Goat range of industrial vacuums picks up cans, bottles, grass clippings, litter and other debris with ease. The QuietVac™ is the world's quietest industrial vacuum and, with 33 inches of suction, it is ideal for applications such as tarmas, school campuses, hospitals, parks and pavements.

Debris Loaders with Shredding - For trailer or truck mounting, the Billy Goat range of debris loaders with shredders have up to 18" armor plated steel impellers to reduce waste on a 12:1 ratio. With intake hoses from 8" to 12" and a replaceable poly liner in the DL25000S model, Billy Goat Debri Loaders are built to last in the toughest of industrial environments.


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